- Ms. H. Bowman
- Mrs. T. Carl
- Mr. Y. Marais
- Mrs. A. Oakes
- Mr. J. DiMartile
- Mr. C. Maltais
- Mme D. Stoop
Grade 10
CHC2D Canadian History since WWI, Academic
CHC2DF Histoire du Canada dupuis la Premiere Guerre mondiale
CHC2P Canadian History since WWI, Applied
CHV2O Civics and Citizenship
Grade 11
CHW3M World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century
CLU3M Understanding Canadian Law
Grade 12
CHY4C World History since the Fifteenth Century, College
CHY4U World History since the Fifteenth Century, University
CLN4U Canadian and International Law
Department Philosophy
The study of history is more than a recollection of past events. The study of history should be an inquiry into the past. When we read history, we must deal with two kinds of knowledge – the historical record of events, names, dates, and places, often called the facts, and interpretation of events from various points of view. Our philosophy in the History Department is to create awareness and expand our students’ horizons to include an understanding of the social, political, economic and cultural events that have influenced our modern world. By incorporating an understanding of the arts, music and literature etc., we feel that History offers a multidisciplinary focus that enriches our students and gives a better understanding of History, Politics, Economics, Classics and English at the college and university level.
For a list of courses offered, visit us on Career Cruising.
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| 22 May, 2015