(905) 735-0700 240 Thorold Road West, Welland, ON L3C 3W2

Course & Pathway Planning

Below is a list of all planned courses for next year. The list is organized by department, then grade. Click the desired department to see the list, then click the Course Code or Title to see a description of the course. French Immersion courses are indicated by (FI) in the course name.


Math Courses

Mathematics is a compulsory course in grades 9, 10, and 11. After earning grades 9-11 credits, students may choose to continue studying math as an elective. Hover over the titles to learn more about each math, and reference the pathways chart to plan your future courses.

    Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11 & Grade 12

    • Please see Pathways Chart below

      Grade 11

      MEL3E1|Mathematics for Work & Everyday Life
      MBF3C1|Foundations of College Mathematics
      MFC3M1|Functions and Applications

      Grade 12

      MEL4E1|Mathematics for Work & Everyday Life
      MAP4C1|Foundations of College Mathematics
      MCT4C1|Mathematics for College Technology
      MDM4U1|Data Management
      MHF4U1|Advnaced Functions
      MCV4U1|Calculus and Vectors

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